CDPL is doing its part to help stop the spread of Covid-19. We have temporarily closed our office in downtown Durham, and all of our attorneys, investigators, and public education specialists are now working remotely. We have also temporarily ceased in-person client meetings to ensure that none of our staff carries the virus into a prison, where people are kept in confined spaces and are extraordinarily vulnerable to illness.
However, CDPL is continuing to fight vigorously for the rights of our clients. We are busy ensuring that employees have access to the technology they need to work on their cases from home. We’re also implementing systems to make sure that our clients can continue to contact their defense team members by mail and by telephone. We are continuously monitoring conditions at Central Prison and intervening on behalf of our clients when necessary. We are also reaching out to trial teams across the state and assisting them in obtaining continuances in light of the pandemic.
Our clients and the public can rest assured that CDPL will continue to zealously fight executions, now and in the future, and to advocate for an end to the cruel and unfair death penalty. You can continue to reach our staff by email and by calling our main phone line.
Please also continue to check the blog of the N.C. Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty for the latest news about the death penalty.