The Center for Death Penalty Litigation is North Carolina’s premier nonprofit law firm representing people facing the death penalty and other extreme sentences. We expose and confront racism within the criminal punishment system. Through strategic litigation, education, training, and policy reform, we strive to create a more humane and equitable society. Read more about our work.
What’s New

We are hiring: CDPL seeks communications specialist
CDPL seeks a communications specialist to lead the effort to publicize CDPL’s work and educate the public on the injustices of the death penalty. We use many strategies to achieve these goals, including targeted communications to our supporters, media outreach, and original research and reports. Our ideal candidate will have excellent writing and communication skills, experience working in justice movements, a passion for racial equity and ending the death penalty, and a willingness to work with advocates and individuals across North Carolina to develop innovative strategies and tell compelling stories. Skill in using social media a plus.

Another racial justice victory — and what it means for our work to end the death penalty
Our client Hasson Bacote became the fifth person to prove that his death sentence was poisoned by racism. The ruling didn’t affect Mr. Bacote’s sentence because he had already received a commutation to life without parole from Gov. Cooper. Nevertheless, this ruling carries great significance in our work to end the death penalty.

Judge finds Johnston County’s death sentences poisoned by racism
Today, a Johnston County judge found that race played a key role in the death penalty trial of Hasson Bacote, influencing both the makeup of his jury and the decision to sentence a Black man to death. Superior Court Judge Wayland Sermons also found that racial discrimination extends beyond Bacote’s case, poisoning all death sentences in Johnston County and the prosecutorial district that also includes Harnett and Lee Counties.

Support our Work
Help us provide the best possible representation to people facing execution and educate the public about the injustice and racist roots of the death penalty. Donate here. Or sign up here to get updates about our work.

Join the Movement
CDPL is a member of the NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. If you want to be a part of the grassroots movement to end the NC death penalty, please visit their website to learn and get involved.

Intern or Volunteer
Do you want to learn about capital defense while working alongside a dedicated staff? If you are a law student looking for a summer internship, learn more here. If you are interested in volunteering, apply here.